introducing #theBuffie

The quintessential representation of #justbeingBuffie in eyewear!  These specs are the most highly recognized and requested style that the MrsMD wears on a daily basis.

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Name of option #1

Use this section to describe the most important benefit of your product and make sure to describe it in such a way that it's clear who the ideal customer or user for this product is.

Name of option #2

Use this section to describe the most important benefit of your product and make sure to describe it in such a way that it's clear who the ideal customer or user for this product is.

Frequently Asked Questions

Write the question here.

Write the answer to the question here. This way, your visitors can easily pick the questions that matter to them, without being distracted by loads of text from the FAQ.

What if I'm not good at copywriting?

The text in this landing page gives you a lot of help in creating good copy. And don't worry about it too much. The only way to get better at copywriting is to write more copy. So, get writing.

How can I get this landing page template?

It comes with the Thrive Architect plugin for WordPress. You can get it here.

Will this landing page work for me?

Only if you like awesome landing pages that are rapidly customizable to your needs.

What if my product isn't a digital product?

Does your product have a target audience? Does it have benefits? Then you can and should explain those benefits to your target audience on a page like this.

What are the right questions to add here?

Your customers will let you know. The best way to find the "right" questions to answer in your FAQ is to pay attention to questions your visitors and customers send you. Your support system or helpdesk will be a rich source of insights about what questions need answering.

What are you waiting for? 

Pre-Order Today

Name of option #1

Use this section to describe the most important benefit of your product and make sure to describe it in such a way that it's clear who the ideal customer or user for this product is.

Name of option #2

Use this section to describe the most important benefit of your product and make sure to describe it in such a way that it's clear who the ideal customer or user for this product is.

Buffie Purselle  //  Designer

In this section, introduce the author, creator, teacher or face of the brand. Help your audience connect with you on a more personal level and show them that there's a person behind it. It feels better to buy from a person than from a faceless, corporate brand.

You don't need to tell your life story. Just explain what qualifies you and why you care and add a personal detail or two.

Buffie Purselle

© 2025, Buffie, LLC